Our dedication to excellence drives us; our passion for Christ guides us.

child and an adult man smilingLighthouse Bilingual Academy began as a vision of several women from the Iglesia Bíblica Cristo Viene who desired to see a bilingual Christian school in North Garland. They prayed and worked diligently to make the school a reality.

In September 2014, Lighthouse Bilingual Academy opened its doors with 4 students in Pre-K3 and 4. The school has grown and now offers kindergarten and first grade.

Our Mission

Lighthouse Bilingual Academy exists to offer academic excellence through Christian education in a bilingual setting, equipping students to be able to communicate in English and Spanish and impacting families through the light and truth of Scripture.


Academia Bilingüe Faro de Luz existe para ofrecer excelencia académica por medio de educación cristiana en un ambiente bilingüe, capacitando estudiantes aptos para comunicarse en inglés y español, e impactando la familia a través de la luz y la verdad de las Escrituras.

Our Core Values

Biblical Worldview – The education Lighthouse Bilingual Academy provides, as well as its policies and procedures, is rooted in a Biblical, Christian worldview.

God’s Love – We are committed to showing God’s love to all our students, families, and any who visit our campus by providing a nurturing environment for the children to thrive, learn and grow, and by kindly and attentively serving others.

Family – God has established the family as the cornerstone of civilization. Lighthouse Bilingual Academy will support and promote the individual families that make up our community through education, encouragement, and communication.

Faithful Stewardship – God has given us time, talents, and resources that we are to use for His glory and His kingdom. We are dedicated to faithfully using the resources He has given us.

Meaningful Participation – Lighthouse Bilingual Academy is not possible without the body of Christ. Therefore, we encourage parents, teachers, staff, and students to invest their time, talents and resources in the ministry of the school and to work for the glory of God.

Our Purpose

The purpose of Lighthouse Bilingual Academy is to:

  • Educate our children according to their Christian and cultural heritage.
  • Prepare students to read, write and speak English and Spanish.
  • Offer academic excellence through a curriculum based on Scripture, teaching Biblical principles in all subjects.
  • Teach the Bible.
  • Maintain a low teacher-student ratio (1/10-15).
  • Offer enrichment classes in art and music.
  • Attract families from the neighborhood where God has placed us so as to impact the community positively.


Preschoolers learn primarily through active learning, thus our curriculum is so designed. Each area of study is taught through stories, activities, and experiences that involve all the senses and address each learning modality.

Children learn through play using both large and fine motor skills. Because we believe that all truth is God’s truth, Biblical principles are integrated throughout the curriculum.

Social Studies and Science
Weekly units are taught in English and Spanish as preschoolers discover God’s amazing world through books, center activities, songs, and poems. Biblical principles are integrated into each study. Art and cooking projects are also included. Additionally, the students take several field trips to enhance learning.

Each week a Bible story is taught that is related to the unit study. God’s Word comes alive through songs, Bible storybooks, drama, and finger plays. Students also memorize a Bible verse each week, hiding God’s Word in their hearts.

Phonics is the tool that unlocks the reading puzzle. Students learn letter recognition through sight and sound by meeting alphabet puppets, hearing their stories, listening for beginning sounds, exploring alphabet boxes, and learning the sign language alphabet. Pre-reading and writing activities such as puzzles, games, play dough and coloring are used throughout the curriculum.

Number recognition, counting, rote counting, comparisons, simple addition, and subtraction are taught through games and extensive use of manipulatives.

Montessori Work
Each day students spend time doing independent Montessori work rotating through each of the shelves: Language, Cultural, Practical Life, Math, and Sensorial. These activities are designed for discovery learning and are often unit related.

A part of each day is spent in the garden planting, watering, digging and pulling weeds. Each child has a small plot to tend, growing flowers and vegetables, learning hands-on about God’s creation.


  • Lighthouse Bilingual Academy worships the God of the Bible who exists in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • The Bible is inspired by God and is the final authority in faith and life.
  • Salvation is by grace alone; it is a free gift from God to all who put their trust in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ to pay the price for their sins. ·
  • Baptism is our outward testimony to others of our personal faith in Jesus Christ our Savior and identifies us with His church.
  • Marriage is designed by God as the union between one genetic male and one genetic female for life.


All teachers are certified in child development and are fluent in both English and Spanish. All staff undergo background checks and are screened to ensure their methodology and priorities are aligned with our mission and doctrinal statement.


School starts at 8:15 AM and ends at 3:00 PM. Before and after school care is provided, starting at 7:30 AM and ending at 6:00 PM. There is an additional charge for after school care.


The annual cost of tuition is divided into 10 equal payments from August to May as follows:

Payment Details Pre K-3 Pre K-4 Kindergarten 1st Grade
Application fee* $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00
Enrollment fee** $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00
Annual tuition – 5 days $5,400.00/$540 mo $5,400.00 $5,400.00 $5,400.00
– 3 days $3,350.00/$335 mo $3,350.00 n/a n/a
– 2 days $2,330.00/$233 mo $2,330.00 n/a n/a
Late tuition fee $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00
Sibling tuition discount 50% 50% 50% 50%

Scholarship applications are given upon request and may be turned in with no additional fee. Scholarships are given upon determination of need and availability of funds.

If you have any questions, you may reach us by calling 469-730-0077.